Retired Faculty
2009 - Present

Danny  Buraczeski 
Meadows School of the Arts  2018

Danny Buraczeski, Professor of Dance in Meadows School of the Arts, joined the SMU faculty in 2005. He earned a B.A. degree from Bucknell University, danced on Broadway, and, from 1979-2005, founded and led the acclaimed JAZZDANCE company, based in New York and later Minneapolis. At SMU he taught classic jazz dance technique, composition and choreography, and launched a national, biannual Teaching Jazz Dance Symposium, drawing educators, choreographers and dancers from around the country to SMU. He also served on the Faculty Senate and Dean's Faculty Advisory Board and was artistic director for the Dance Division's Brown Bag Concerts. He was named Dance Educator of the Year by the Dance Council of North Texas in 2010 and Meadows Foundation Distinguished Teaching Professor in 2017. He has received multiple grants and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, was a Bush Foundation Fellow and received a McKnight Fellowship in Choreography. A nationally respected jazz dance teacher and choreographer, he has created works for major dance companies, universities and festivals nationwide, including the Joyce Theater, Library of Congress, Bates Dance Festival and Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival. He retires as Professor Emeritus of Dance.